Mark is in his 70s and is single. During his working life he accumulated a stocks & shares ISA worth £200,000. Mark has enjoyed tax-free income and capital gains on the investment through the ISA wrapper but is now starting to think about the potential inheritance tax bill on his estate reducing what will be left to his beneficiaries. Mark would like to retain control of the assets and does not want to pay an excessive amount to setup any solution. As such, a trust or a life assurance policy would be inappropriate.
Mark could make a direct transfer of his existing main market holdings into AIM holdings with Fundamental Asset Management through our AIM IHT ISA portfolio. Mark will retain access and control of his assets and the new AIM investments will continue to be held in an ISA with tax-free income and CGT on growth. However, in addition to this the portfolio should now qualify for 100% IHT relief after 2 years.
Like main market stocks, AIM stocks can be held within an ISA and benefit from no CGT or Income tax on growth. However, AIM stocks have the added benefit of qualifying for business relief and avoiding 100% of inheritance tax.
Income & Growth using AIM’s dynamism & opportunities
TAX No IHT if held for two years. Available as an ISA
Jonathan is a Business Development Manager at Fundamental Asset Management. His role includes assisting clients and intermediaries. Jonathan has over 12 years’ experience in the finance industry. Over that time, Jonathan has worked for Barclays, Metro Bank and Moneycorp. Jonathan has been a Bank Manager as well as a Relationship Manager having looked after individuals and businesses of every shape and size.
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Download our How to beat Inheritance Tax with AIM shares
This FREE report explains how investing in good quality AIM companies can help you avoid Inheritance Tax and potentially substantially increase your wealth. Download the report.