AIM IHT Growth Portfolio

Our AIM IHT Growth Portfolio targets 20 to 30 diverse companies with potential growth opportunities combined with the benefits of business property relief and IHT tax relief.


Fundamental Asset Management AIM IHT Growth Portfolio

As its name suggests, our longest running since 2004. Our AIM IHT Growth Portfolio has a primary focus on investment in AIM companies generating strong growth in sales, profits and cash flow.

The Benefits

You retain full ownership and can benefit from 100% IHT after only two years. Our AIM Inheritance Tax Portfolios can also be accessed through platforms including After Abrdn Elevate, add Abrdn Wrap, Transact, Nucleus, Fidelity, M&G Wealth and CoInvestor.

Inheritance Tax Relief 

In addition to IHT relief, AIM shares can also be held within an AIM ISA, giving you Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax relief, making this one of the most attractive tax-efficient investments on the market. If you have an existing ISA, you can also use it to invest in qualifying AIM companies.

Business Relief

In addition to IHT relief, AIM shares can also be held within an AIM ISA, giving you Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax relief, making this one of the most attractive tax-efficient investments on the market. If you have an existing ISA, you can also use it to invest in qualifying AIM companies.

ISA Tax Wrappers

In addition to IHT relief, AIM shares can also be held within an AIM ISA, giving you Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax relief, making this one of the most attractive tax-efficient investments on the market. If you have an existing ISA, you can also use it to invest in qualifying AIM companies.

The Risks

Tax reliefs

AIM listed companies tend to experience more volatility than companies listed on the main market with investors likely to experience greater daily price fluctuations.

Capital at risk

Investors capital is at risk, and they may get back less than they invested.


AIM listed companies tend to experience more volatility than companies listed on the main market with investors likely to experience greater daily price fluctuations.


Key information for you

Our AIM IHT portfolio services reflect your investment requirements by investing in well-established, profitable and cash generative AIM shares, many of which also provide an attractive dividend yield.

These exciting, ambitious businesses offer excellent investment opportunities, combined with attractive tax benefits and the opportunity to support the global businesses of the future.

The priority for the use of free cash generated by the company should be reinvestment in the business or in support of acquisitions, to help drive growth, as opposed to the payment of dividends.

We are of the firm opinion that small fast-growing companies achieving attractive operating margins and returns on equity should prioritise reinvestment in the business, unless they have exhausted all other possible options for the use of their free cash. Accordingly, dividend income generated by this portfolio is relatively low (December 2022 dividend yield approx. 1.8%) and retained in the portfolio.

This is a discretionary portfolio service investing in the shares of approximately 20-30 Business Property Relief qualifying AIM companies, subject to portfolio size.

AIM IHT Growth Portfolio Brochure

AIM IHT Growth Portfolio Factsheet

Quarterly Review AIM IHT Growth Portfolio

AIM IHT Growth Product Key Features


Download our AIM for Inheritance Tax Report!

This FREE report explains how investing in good quality AIM companies can help you avoid Inheritance Tax and potentially substantially increase your wealth. Download the report.

To provide long term capital growth and small amount of annual income through investment into qualifying AIM companies which benefit from Business Relief (formerly Business Property Relief) and thereby attract 100% relief from IHT after a qualifying period of 2 years.

At Fundamental Asset Management we create bespoke Portfolios. What is the difference between a Portfolio vs a Fund?

  • Portfolios are bespoke and can be tailored to a clients needs (subject to size).
  • Portfolios are transparent and  clients understand exactly what is held and what is driving performance.
  • Holdings are liquid in themselves and a model will not be vulnerable to suspensions.

A dedicated value focused AIM portfolio, investing in AIM quoted companies which have demonstrable earnings, dividend yield and reduced stock volatility. Please read more information here to learn more about the AIM market.

Minimum investment is £20,000 through adviser platforms and £40,000 direct (this can be shared between spouses). 

Securities and cash will be held by our nominated custodian or via an Adviser Platform.


You can invest as an advised client or a non-advised client. If you have a Financial Adviser, please inform them you would like to invest/ explore the Fundamental Asset Management AIM IHT Growth Portfolio; they can contact us here. If you want to invest as a non-advised client, you can fill out an illustration here.


You can also visit our full document library here. 

How to Use AIM For Inheritance Tax Planning Webinar

How to Invest

Please inform your adviser you would like to discuss investing with the Fundamental Asset Management AIM IHT Growth Portfolio. If you have a general question about Fundamental or this service, please contact us.


You can also visit our full document library here. 

Please inform your adviser you would like to discuss investing with the Fundamental Asset Management AIM IHT Growth Portfolio. If you have a general question about Fundamental or this service, please contact us.


You can also visit our full document library here. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Tax legislation could change.
Smaller quoted companies are subject to certain specific risks not associated with larger, more mature companies, notably with regard to liquidity. Accordingly it might be hard to dispose of the shares in the companies at certain
The extent of the tax benefits available will depend on the qualifying conditions.

There are no exit fees with Fundamental Asset Management. Cash can be withdrawn from the portfolio at any time and we do not apply a minimum withdrawal amount.

THREE Things to Remember about Fundamental Asset Management’s AIM Portfolio service

  1. Client Retains Access – assets remain in client’s own name – so no loss of control and client has freedom to redeem part or all if needed.
  2. Proven Investment Approach – reducing volatility and liquidity risk by building balanced portfolios focusing on established AIM companies.
  3. Support to estates after a client has passed away. At a difficult time, we support with the information HMRC requires at no additional charge.

You can use the contact us form at the bottom of this page.

Fill out an illustration here.

If you have received advice please ask your financial adviser if there’s anything you don’t understand.
You can also contact us directly at:
Fundamental Asset Management Ltd
Cardinal Point
Park Road
Telephone: 01923 713890
Email: [email protected]

Fundamental Asset Management Ltd (or the Platform provider) provides regular quarterly valuations for each client’s portfolio covering performance of the portfolio over the preceding quarter. Fundamental also issues a periodic newsletter expanding on the stories behind some of the holdings, thereby keeping its clients informed on a regular basis. Clients whose accounts are brokered with Fundamental’s online broker will also have internet access to their accounts at all times. You can also visit the document library here where you will find all the latest fact sheets and up to date information.

When dividends are paid by companies, these are added to the account. They tend to be used to cover fees and when rebalancing of a portfolio is done. Any remaining we would then look to reinvest at an appropriate time. IF you are interested in an income focused product with have the AIM IHT Income Portfolio and Fundamental UK Dividend Income Portfolio.

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Download our How to beat Inheritance Tax with AIM shares

This FREE report explains how investing in good quality AIM companies can help you avoid Inheritance Tax and potentially substantially increase your wealth. Download the report.