
How will the General Election impact small caps?

If you are wondering how the results of the General Election will impact small caps, watch Fundamental Asset Management’s webinar on Tuesday 16th July at 3pmFalse start or are small caps up and running?

Fundamental’s Chris Boxall, Stephen Drabwell and Jonathan Bramall will review the impact of the General Election result. They will also look at whether small caps have had a false start or if they are now up and running?

Your seat can be reserved for the webinar “False start or are small caps up and running?” by clicking here. This will also allow you to watch the webinar on demand after the event.

The webinar is CPD eligible.

Pre-registering will also mean you can view it on demand.

Please submit any questions you would like to be covered via email [email protected]

To find out more about the benefits of AIM, please speak to our Business Development Manager, Jonathan Bramall, via email [email protected] or phone 01923 713 894.


Investor’s Champion Podcast

For forthright discussion on results and news from our portfolio companies and many other companies on AIM, tune into the weekly podcast from our associated investment news site, Investor’s Champion. Available on all major platforms or by clicking on one of the below links.

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To find out more about our associate site Investor’s Champion click here.


Early Birds Reap the ISA Rewards; The Early Investor Catches the Growth

Recent research has provided compelling evidence that within each tax year, early ISA (Individual Savings Account) investors significantly outperform those who invest in their ISA later in the tax year.

New data is clear; early investments in ISAs significantly outperform according to recent research from Hargreaves Lansdown. The research looked at a decade of investing clearly showed, individuals who maximised their ISA allowance on the first day of the tax year every year have seen their investments soar to a superb £360,500.

In contrast, those who waited to invest until the last day of the tax year, accumulated a lesser £322,500. The substantial difference, highlighting the cost of delay.

The conclusion from the research was unequivocal: timing matters. By investing early, you’re putting your money to work sooner, capitalising on a full year’s worth of potential growth. As we embark into the new tax year, let’s keep this lesson in mind and wherever possible be the early birds of the ISA world.

With the research in mind, it is also a good time to review what the market did in the 1st Quarter of 2024. Join us for our next free webinar on Wednesday 24th April at 3pm “Q1 REVIEW – WHAT HAPPENED TO AIM?” Click here to register. The webinar is CPD eligible. Submit your questions to [email protected]

In Episode 2 of The Professional Investor Podcast; Fundamental Asset Management’s Chris Boxall explains how a professional investor constructs an investment portfolio (which could be held in an ISA). Listen to it here or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so you don’t miss a future episode.

To find out more about the benefits of AIM, please speak to our Business Development Manager, Jonathan Bramall, via email [email protected] or phone 01923 713 894.


Why a Bed and ISA transfer to Fundamental could be just the ticket

With ISA season 2024 upon us and people looking to do more with their money; a “Bed and ISA” could be just the ticket. We look at what it is and how it can help with Inheritance Tax (IHT) Planning.

A Bed and ISA transfer is a process in which a client moves their non-ISA investments into an ISA. The term “Bed” refers to the process of selling the investments and then using the proceeds from the sale to purchase equivalent investments within the ISA. This transfer enables clients to take advantage of the tax benefits provided by an ISA, such as tax-free income and capital gains. On top of this; when using a service such as Fundamental Asset Management’s AIM IHT portfolio service, the ISA can also be used to reduce IHT.

Fundamental Asset Management’s AIM IHT portfolio service is designed to deliver 100% IHT relief on the investment by purchasing Business Relief qualifying AIM shares on behalf of a client. For the client’s investment to qualify, the following is necessary:

1) qualifying shares must be held for at least two years and still be held on death;
2) the company must still qualify for Business Relief at the time of the investor’s death

Another advantage of a Bed and ISA transfer is that it can help investors simplify their investment portfolio. By consolidating their investments within an ISA, investors can reduce the number of accounts they need to manage and keep track of. This can save time and effort and make it easier to monitor the performance of their investments.

Overall, a Bed and ISA can be a useful tool for clients who want to take advantage of the tax benefits offered by an ISA while combining this with investing through an AIM IHT portfolio service, has additional IHT planning benefits.


Existing clients: 5th April.
New clients: 2nd April at the latest (assuming all information needed has been provided).

We spoke about Bed and ISA transfers in a past webinar which can be watched here.

To find out more about the benefits of AIM, please speak to our Business Development Manager, Jonathan Bramall, via email [email protected] or phone 01923 713 894.


HMRC today announced another record Inheritance Tax haul

HMRC today announced Inheritance Tax (IHT) receipts are £300 million higher than the same period a year earlier, totaling £3.2 billion.

With the government freezing IHT thresholds until at least April 2028, this trend looks set to continue.

Commenting on the HMRC figures, Fundamental Asset Management’s Chris Boxall said: “HMRC has once again announced a record increase in Inheritance Tax receipts. With few other solutions available, investing in Business Relief qualifying companies remains popular with advisers and investors to mitigate future Inheritance Tax. If shares in these companies are held for two years, and still held upon death, no Inheritance Tax is paid on the investment.

Many AIM companies meet the Inheritance Tax qualifying criteria and with the AIM market down substantially over the past 2 years and the valuations of many good quality AIM companies looking extremely attractive, it could be great time to invest and save future Inheritance Tax.”

Why does Private Equity love AIM?
The AIM market has had a challenging time over the last 2 years. However, while many investors have been steering clear of AIM, Private Equity has been taking advantage of the growing number of bargains, with yet another offer this week for an AIM company. On Tuesday 3rd October at 3pm, the founders of Fundamental Asset Management will be exploring the topic “What does Private Equity see in AIM?”. Your seat can be reserved by clicking here. This will also allow you to watch the webinar on demand after the event.

The webinar is CPD eligible.

You can find out more about AIM ISAs here: ‘AIM ISA Explained’.

If you or your clients would like to speak to one of our portfolio managers, please contact Business Development Manager, Jonathan Bramall at [email protected] or on 01923 713 894