Did you know..

There were 830 companies listed on AIM at the end of July and approximately 70% qualified for the valuable Inheritance Tax reliefs.

Fundamental Asset Management have been expertly running AIM for IHT portfolios for more than 16 years and have an in-depth understanding of the Inheritance Tax qualifying rules.

Inheritance tax is the most hated tax in the UK and clients are looking for you to help them reduce or eliminate it altogether. But this is not the only challenge. Clients are also looking for a return on their investment.

So what is the answer?

AIM is one of the most successful growth markets in the world and an AIM IHT portfolio can qualify for 100% IHT exemption.

Want to hear more?

Come and meet me and our co-founders Chris Boxall and Stephen Drabwell where we will be discussing all you need to know about investing in AIM for Inheritance Tax.

Click on the picture below to register. 


Fundamental Asset Management

Derek McLay

You can find out more about Fundamental Asset Management’s high performing AIM portfolio service, which has been delivering exceptional investment returns for more than 16 years, from the link here.